Workday profiles allow users to define specific rules and settings for different types of workdays within the platform. By following the steps outlined below, users can effectively set up and maintain customized workday profiles to accurately track and manage employee work schedules in Hubler.
Sign in to Hubbler as an administrator.
Next, access the Admin section by selecting the "Go to Admin" button located in the top right corner of the screen.
In the Admin section, click on the hamburger icon situated at the top left corner of the canvas.
From the list of options presented, select "Profiles."
On the left pane, you will find the various profile categories, with the corresponding profile displayed at the center of the canvas.
To create a new Workday profile, click on the "ADD WORKING DAY PROFILE" button located on the top right corner of the canvas.
Provide a descriptive name for the Workday profile and click on "Create."
If you need to add multiple Working profiles, simply click the "+" icon next to the added name.
Navigate to the Leave Profiles section within the Hubler platform.
Select the desired leave profile from the list.
This will display the weekly schedule to be modified as per the business needs.
All the days marked in blue are considered as working days and the ones in grey are dayoffs.
Shift schedule for each day can be defined by clicking on the time stamp and adding the desired time.
Leave Name - Define the name of the leave.
A day can be marked as Full day, Half day, or Day off, by clicking on the corresponding day and selecting the required option.
Click "Save" to confirm the changes.
Full-time Workday:
Use Case: Users can create a workday profile specifically for full-time employees, setting a standard work schedule from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM with a one-hour lunch break.
Example Scenario: John, a full-time employee, can refer to the workday profile to understand his daily work schedule, ensuring he adheres to the established start and end times.
Part-time Workday:
Use Case: Users can establish a workday profile tailored to part-time employees, defining a reduced work schedule to accommodate their employment status.
Example Scenario: Sarah, a part-time employee, can refer to the workday profile to determine her specific start and end times, aligned with her part-time working hours.
Flex-time Workday:
Use Case: Users can create a workday profile for employees on flex-time schedules, allowing them to have flexible start and end times within predefined limits.
Example Scenario: Mark, an employee on a flex-time arrangement, can refer to the workday profile to understand the flexible hours he can choose while ensuring he adheres to the maximum allowable work duration.