Tracking Profile
This section of the user manual provides instructions on how to create and manage tracking profiles in Hubler. Tracking profiles allow users to define specific rules and settings for different types of tracked items within the platform. By following the steps outlined below, users can effectively set up and maintain customized tracking profiles to accurately track and manage various items in Hubbler.
Steps to create a Tracking Profile:
Access the Tracking Profiles section within the Hubbler platform.
Click on the "Create New Profile" button.
Provide a descriptive name for the tracking profile (e.g., National Holidays, Company-specific Holidays).
Define the specific rules and settings for the tracking profile, such as the list of items to be tracked, associated attributes, and any additional configuration options.
Save the profile to complete the creation process.
Steps to manage the Tracking Profiles:
Navigate to the Tracking Profiles section within the Hubbler platform.
Select the desired tracking profile from the list.
Make necessary adjustments to the profile's settings, such as adding or removing tracked items, modifying attributes, or updating configuration options.
Save the changes to update the tracking profile.
Use Cases:
National Holidays Profile:
Use Case: Users can create a holiday profile specifically for national holidays, defining the list of official holidays observed at the national level.
Example Scenario: Employees can refer to the national holidays profile to understand the dates and status (paid or unpaid) of official holidays recognized by the country.
Company-specific Holidays Profile:
Use Case: Users can establish a holiday profile for company-specific holidays, including special days off or events unique to the organization.
Example Scenario: Employees can refer to the company-specific holidays profile to stay informed about important dates, such as the company anniversary, annual team-building day, or any other designated company holidays.
Regional Holidays Profile:
Use Case: Users can create a holiday profile for regional holidays, considering specific holidays observed in different regions or states.
Example Scenario: Employees in different regions can refer to the regional holidays profile to know the dates and status (paid or unpaid) of holidays specific to their respective regions.
Last updated