Creating a Custom User Fields
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Custom user fields allow administrators to extend user profiles with additional information that is specific to their organization's needs. These custom fields can be used to store various types of data, such as text, numbers, dates, or dropdown selections.
Sign in to Hubler as an administrator.
Next, access the Admin section by selecting the "Go to Admin" button located in the top right corner of the screen.
In the Admin section, click on the hamburger icon situated at the top left corner of the canvas.
From the options available on the left pane, select "User Fields".
This will list all the custom fields along with their types.
To add a new user list, click on the "+" icon on the right bottom corner of the canvas.
This will open the "Create Custom Field" window to define the field details.
Field Name - To define the name of the field.
Type - To define the field type as Single Line Text, Multi Line Text, Number, Phone, Email, or Date.
Min/Max Length - To define the minimum and maximum values that can be entered in the field.
Required - To set the field as mandatory or optional.
Click "Create" to confirm the changes.
Once the custom field is created, it will become accessible as an additional data request field when adding new user data.