This section helps in adding the personal details of the user with the following option:
Upload Picture: Use this option to add the user's picture, providing a visual representation of the user's profile.
First Name (mandatory): Add the user's first name, ensuring that this field is filled in as it is a required field.
Last Name: Add the user's last name to provide complete identification of the user.
Primary Mobile (mandatory): Enter the user's primary mobile number, ensuring that this field is filled in as it is a required field.
Email (mandatory): Enter the user's email address, ensuring that this field is filled in as it is a required field.
Date of Joining: Enter the user's date of joining the organization, capturing the information of when the user started their employment.
Employee ID: Enter the user's employee ID, providing a unique identifier for the user within the organization.
Gender: Specify the user's gender, capturing this relevant information.
Date of Birth: Enter the user's date of birth, providing necessary personal information for identification purposes.
Designation: Specify the user's designation, indicating their role or position within the organization as defined in the system.
Department: Specify the user's department, indicating the specific division or unit they belong to within the organization as defined in the system.
Home Phone: Add the user's home phone number, capturing their personal contact information.
Office Phone: Add the user's office phone number, capturing their work-related contact information.
Alias: Add an alias name for the user, allowing for alternative identification or preferred name usage.
Work Phone: Add the user's work phone number, capturing their direct contact information at the workplace.
Availability: Specify the user's availability, indicating their work schedule or hours of availability.
By filling in these details, you can effectively capture and manage user information within Hubler, facilitating communication, identification, and organization within the application.
Apart from all the above mentioned default fields, customized fields can also be added using the "User Categories" option as per the business needs.
Click "Next" to move to the "Organizational Details" section.