It is a feature that allows you to send notifications to specific individuals or groups within the app. It enables communication and alerts to keep users informed about important updates or actions.
Button label - Adds label or text to the button.
This option helps to define the set of rules for the action button.
The "Send Notification" action play a pivotal role in communicating vital information and updates to users in a timely manner, enhancing communication efficiency within the system.
Rule Name: This option is used to define the name of the rule.
If Any/If All: This option determines whether any or all of the applied conditions need to be met for the rule to be triggered.
If Any: The rule is triggered if any of the applied conditions are met.
If All: The rule is triggered only if all of the applied conditions are met.
Add Condition: This option allows users to add conditions based on which the desired action will be executed.
Example: If an action needs to be executed only if the user's phone number exists, the field name would be set as "Phone" and the condition as "Exists". This ensures that the action is executed only when the phone number exists.
Set Report Status: This option enables users to set the status of reports based on the applied conditions. By default, the available conditions are "Open" and "Closed". Additional custom statuses can be configured using the "Custom Status" option in the user management settings.
Add Action: This option allows users to define the Send Notification action to be executed based on the specified conditions.
The notification editor window facilitates the composition of notification messages and the specification of recipients when the action is initiated.
To - This option is used to select the recipient of the notification message.
Notification Body - This workspace allows the crafting of the notification message and can be accessed by typing the # symbol.
The composed notification can be previewed on the adjacent section labeled as Notification Preview on the right-hand side.
Efficient Communication: The button streamlines communication processes, ensuring that timely notifications reach the intended recipients.
Information Dissemination: The button aids in the rapid distribution of crucial information, ensuring stakeholders are well-informed.
To learn more, click on Action Button Rule.
The Fallback Message serves as a backup response or alternative content when a specific condition or action cannot be met. It provides a default message that is displayed in situations where the intended action or condition is unavailable or cannot be fulfilled.