Action Button Rules
The Button rule condition allows users to define specific conditions or criteria that must be met for a button to be enabled or disabled. This condition is typically used in the context of workflow automation or form design.
Users can set up a Button rule condition by specifying certain logical criteria based on the data or values within the application. These criteria could include factors such as the completion status of certain fields, the presence of specific data, or the fulfillment of certain requirements.
When the defined conditions are met, the button associated with the rule will become enabled, allowing users to interact with it and perform the associated action. Conversely, if the conditions are not met, the button will remain disabled, preventing users from clicking on it.
By utilizing Button rule conditions, users can automate the enabling and disabling of buttons based on predefined criteria, ensuring that actions are performed only when the necessary conditions are satisfied. This feature helps streamline workflows, improve data integrity, and enhance the overall user experience within the application.
To simplify, here's an example to illustrate the Button rule condition in the Hubler application:
Let's say you have a form where users enter customer information, including the customer's age. There is a button labeled "Verify Age" that should only be enabled if the customer is above a certain age limit, let's say 18 years.
In this scenario, user need to set up a Button rule condition in the application with the following criteria:
Field: Customer's Age
Condition: Greater than or equal to 18
Based on this condition, the "Verify Age" button will be enabled only when the customer's age is 18 or above. If the age is below 18, the button will remain disabled, preventing users from clicking on it.
This Button rule condition ensures that the "Verify Age" action is performed only when the customer meets the age requirement, maintaining data accuracy and aligning with the intended workflow or business rules.
By using Button rule conditions, you can tailor the behavior of buttons in the Hubler application based on specific criteria, providing a more intuitive and efficient user experience.
Rule Configuration:
Rules List:
The Rules List section displays the list of rules applied to a button, each with different conditions. In addition to the default rule, users can define multiple rules based on their specific business needs by clicking the "Add New Rule" button. The actions are executed sequentially, analyzing the conditions under each rule.
The default rule can be configured by clicking on the gear icon located on the right-hand side of each rule.
Options to setup rules:
Rule Name: This option is used to define the name of the rule.
If Any/If All: This option determines whether any or all of the applied conditions need to be met for the rule to be triggered.
If Any: The rule is triggered if any of the applied conditions are met.
If All: The rule is triggered only if all of the applied conditions are met.
Add Condition: This option allows users to add conditions based on which the desired action will be executed.
Example: If an action needs to be executed only if the user's phone number exists, the field name would be set as "Phone" and the condition as "Exists". This ensures that the action is executed only when the phone number exists.
Set Report Status: This option enables users to set the status of reports based on the applied conditions. By default, the available conditions are "Open" and "Closed". Additional custom statuses can be configured using the "Custom Status" option in the user management settings.
Add Action: This option allows users to define the actions to be executed based on the specified conditions.
These rule configuration options in Hubler provide users with flexibility and customization to define and execute actions based on specific conditions, enhancing the functionality and interactivity of the application.
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