Single Line Text
Last updated
Last updated
This field enables users to enter and display text-based information within the app.
Field Properties:
Field Name: Used for assigning a name to the field.
Mandatory Field: Ensures that a value must be provided for the field.
Accept Unique Values Only: Permits the entry of only unique values in the field.
Min Length: By setting the minimum length, it establishes the minimum number of characters required for the field's value.
Max Length: This option defines the maximum length allowed for the field's value.
Fixed Length: Establishes a fixed length for the value when enabled.
Scanner Settings:
Enable Scanner: Activates the functionality to scan QR or barcodes.
Default Value Setting:
Enable Default Values: Enabling this feature provides the ability to define default values for the field.
Visibility Settings:
Enable Visibility Settings: This option enables the ability to show/hide or disable different fields as per the applied conditions. The visibility settings cane be configured using the gear icon.
To learn more, click on Visibility Settings.