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Dashboards in Hubler refer to user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces that provide a consolidated view of critical data, key performance indicators (KPIs), and relevant insights.
These dashboards offer a comprehensive overview of various aspects of an organization's operations, enabling users to make informed decisions and track progress effectively.
The left section with the dropdown icon displays the name of the current dashboard.
Clicking on the dropdown icon reveals a list of pre-existing dashboards, categorized as "My Dashboards" and "Shared With Me" This provides users with quick access to their individual dashboards and those shared with them.
All the widgets added to the dashboard will be displayed in the canvas. To include a new widget, click on the "Add Widget" button located at the top right corner of the canvas.
Click the "Add Widgets" button situated in the top right corner of the screen.
Select the desired widgets to be added to the dashboard.
After making the selections, click "Add Selected Widgets" to confirm the changes.
The newly added widgets will be shown alongside the existing ones.
Click on the "+" icon located adjacent to the search bar in the "My Dashboard" window.
This action will create a new dashboard, and it will be listed alongside the existing ones.
Select the newly created dashboard.
Upon selection, a blank canvas with no widgets added will be displayed.
To rename the dashboard, click on the edit icon located on the right-hand side of the dashboard name.
Click "Save" to confirm the changes.
To add widgets to the dashboard, click on the widgets icon.