Visibility Settings
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Visibility Settings allow users to configure conditions and criteria for showing or hiding specific elements within an application. With Visibility Settings, users can define rules based on data values, user roles, permissions, or other factors to control the visibility of fields, sections, buttons, or other components within the application interface. This feature enables users to create dynamic and context-sensitive user experiences, displaying only the relevant information or functionality based on the specified conditions in Hubler applications.
Steps to apply visibility settings to the required conditions:
Click on the Default dropdown to select the field to which the condition needs to be applied.
Select the condition on which the visibility settings will depend.
The other options will be automatically enabled based on the previously selected field and the required condition.
Once all the conditions are applied, the visibility of the field can be managed using the Show/Hide dropdown.
Additionally, a field can be made visible but disabled by using the Disable Field toggle button. A hint text can be provided to explain why the field is disabled for the applied conditions.
A new condition can be applied by clicking on the 'Add new condition' button on the left bottom corner of the canvas.
One done, click on CREATE to apply the conditions.
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